Warframe: Plains of Eidolon Breaks Records on Steam

Digital Extremes has announced record breaking numbers of concurrent players in Warframe, courtesy of the recently implemented Plains of Eidolon.

Releasing last month, the latest expansion brings one of the biggest updates to ever arrive in Warframe, which introduces a whole new, vast area for players to indulge in. Bringing a more open world vibe to the game, it has seen a massive increase in numbers, which has broken records in the process.

Digital Extremes has confirmed that Warframe’s concurrent players statistics on Steam hit 121,377, which is an all-time high, and nearly double the 69,526 it achieved earlier this year in March. This makes the game the second highest peak concurrent users for a free to play game that is on Steam at this time, and it isn’t showing any signs of letting up.

Since it launched back in 2013, Warframe has seen over 30 million registered users flocking to the game on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It has had a massive resurgence of popularity recently, only aided by Plains of Eidlolon.

Plains of Eidolon arrived last month on October 12th on PC, and is set to make its way onto PS4 and Xbox One sometime this month. Certification has already been sent off to bring it to consoles, so we can expect to see it sometime soon.

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