How Will Guns For Hire Improve Far Cry 5

The Far Cry series was always about one guy going around and killing loads of other guys. You were a one-man army, but it seems like in Far Cry 5, we won’t be alone, as we will have Guns For Hire to help us in our usual destructive activities. We will be talking about how Boomer, Grace, and Nick change the way you approach combat in the game, and how they give you more fun options of eliminating your enemies.

Boomer, a rather lovely dog, will be one of your companions, and he is mostly used for scouting and helping you in more hectic situations where you’re constantly on the move. He can tag enemies so you can spot them more easily, take weapons from the cold, dead hands of the occultists and bring them to you, and he can kill on his own. Having dogs by your side is always fun in video games, and Boomer looks like he’ll be useful and enjoyable to play with.

On the other hand, we have Grace and Nick. These two aren’t dogs, they are in fact people, Grace being a sniper with excellent aim and Nick is a guy that flies a plane and drops bombs on nasty fanatics. Grace can follow you into a thick firefight without any problems, but you can use her best by setting her up someplace high where she can execute anyone that comes into her range. Nick, on the other hand, is rather useful when you’re dealing with a lot of enemies grouped in one place, as his plane has the ability to drop bombs. His plane is also capable of obliterating people with a hail of bullets, but bombs are definitely more fun.

From the looks of it, the Guns For Hire will increase the overall enjoyment of Far Cry 5 greatly, and we are excited to see exactly what will we be able to do with Boomer, Grace, and Nick at our side.

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