Resident Evil 2 Remake Gets Deluxe Edition Details

The Resident Evil 2 Remake is much more than just a simple remake of the original Resident Evil 2. Rather, Capcom is going the extra mile to try and make sure that the game is better than the original, yet maintains the quality and story and horror that gamers loved about the original. While many would be content to get just the standard version of the remake, there are those who will want the expanded version in the Deluxe Edition, and now we know what’s in that.

The Deluxe Edition of Resident Evil 2 Remake will be about $10 more than the standard version, and in return, you’ll get this:

  • “Elza Walker” Claire Costume
  • “Military” Claire Costume
  • “Noir” Claire Costume
  • “Noir” Leon Costume
  • “Arklay Sheriff” Leon Costume
  • Albert Model Samurai Edge Pistol
  • Resident Evil 2 Retro Soundtrack Swap

Add to that, you’ll get two very special covers for the game featuring Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield.

Resident Evil 2 Remake

But it’s about more than just the special items, the game is going to modernize some classic moments from the title and give them new life. Such as the arrival of a classic Resident Evil monster:

“The Licker appeared in the original game, climbing on the ceiling, and it looks terrifying,” producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi tells IGN. “But ultimately, it had to drop to the floor for you to fight it because it wasn’t really possible to have full 360-degree shooting in the old gameplay. It was sort of a stop-and-aim shooting system with a fixed camera. It was too fiddly. It would’ve been too frustrating. But now we’re able to put the camera behind the character’s back and it gives you more freedom of camera and shooting control. The Licker can actually represent what it was always meant to be, which was this terrifying, ‘where’s it going to come from’ creature. You can call it a reimagining or an addition, but it’s really just going back to what the original concept was but couldn’t really be followed through 20 years ago.”

The game releases on January 25th.

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