An Esports Team Is Being Created By The US Army

This is a pretty strange thing, as it seems the US Army is creating an eSports team that anyone from the army can join.

US Army
Game: Arma 3

We have heard all kinds of absurd marketing techniques. This has got to be the craziest one yet. Someone in the US Army actually thought that they should make an esports team made out of US soldiers. Yes, that is actually happening, as we found out in this PC Gamer article. While this is a good way to show that the people in the army are humans, the same as we are, this seems awfully strange to us. But, maybe gaming is the best way for people to learn more about soldiers. After all, there are many of us that enjoy military shooters like Battlefield V and Army 3.

US Army
Game: Arma 3

Serving in the army has many benefits. We think that’s why an eSports team is being made. To show that all kinds of people with various types of skill all find a place to belong there. Granted, this could turn into a huge mess if done incorrectly. After all, you don’t want people to think that you’re using eSports as a way to manipulate the youth into enlisting in the military.

US Army
Game: Arma 3

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think this is a good way for the army to establish a connection with society? Or does it seem like a forced way of manipulation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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