Dark Souls 2 Records Over 200 Million Deaths in-game Worldwide

When discussing statistics in gaming news, we are often discussing sales and shipping regarding newly released consoles and games. However, in this particular instance, we are focusing on the amount of deaths that have occurred for players in Dark Souls 2.

The Dark Souls franchise has become renowned for the sheer amount of deaths that players are met with, considering it has a steep difficulty level and is well-known for some of the greatest and most challenging boss battles in history.

Yesterday, it was revealed that there has now been over 200 million deaths that have taken place in Dark Souls 2. This gargantuan number is contributed to by a number of different platforms on which the game released, including PS3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. It might seem like an impressive number, but i’m sure it isn’t one that many players will want to celebrate too much. I know for myself that I have helped out with that number quite a lot.

There aren’t many games out there that could possibly get recognition for boasting such a heavy amount of deaths, but it is a massive part of the game in many ways, so you can see why it’s so high.

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