The Division Could Get A Proper Sequel

The tale of The Division is an interesting one. It was announced years ago, like YEARS ago, and was built up as a truly revolutionary shooter title. One that was part shooter and part MMORPG. Yet delays racked the game, until gamers truly felt the game wouldn’t release. However, in 2016, it finally did, and that’s when a slew of other problems emerged. The game was racked with bugs and other issues that developer Ubisoft had to fix. There were also content issues that players felt needed to be resolved.

As of this upcoming March, The Division will have been out for 2 years. During that time, Ubisoft has made good on their promise to make the game better. They’ve made balance patches, bug fixes, and added major content to the game. So now, many are wondering if a pure sequel could come our way. Managing Director David Polfeldt told IGN that the possibility is there, but, the main priority is to support the game as long as people want to play it.

The Division

That being said, he notes that there are ways to expand the story that they have thought about:

“There are a lot of things that we didn’t do in The Division 1 that are interesting to look at for that brand.”

But again, as long as people continue playing the current title, they’ll keep supporting it. The Division has sold very well for them, so they’re not going to up and abandon it, especially after they put so much work into it. For example, they released three major DLC packs which expanded the world in unique ways. The Underground gave players the lower sections of Manhattan to explore. Survival brought an entirely new mode and scenario for players to try out. And Last Stand brought another new mode and an extension of the content from the main game.

So, could a sequel arrive? Sure. But when? That’s the question.

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