ESRB Breaks Down What You’ll Find In Detroit: Become Human

Quantic Dream has made itself quite a reputation for not being afraid to make deep games with both questionable content, and thought-provoking stories and scenes. Their titles like Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and others have been surprising hits, but ones that are clearly for mature audiences only. As such, their newest game, Detroit: Become Human, is definitely following that grain, yet, it’ll also be a deep story that’ll let you guide where things go. And now, the ESRB has weighed in on its rating.

As noted, because of Quantic Dream’s history, their latest title has gotten an “M” rating by the ESRB. But it’s the “why?” that might be the most intriguing factor, for Quantic Dream isn’t afraid to show the abuse that their android lifeforms are taking in this game:

The game includes some sexual material and nudity: a sex club containing pole-dancing androids in revealing outfits; a crime scene describing human-android sex (no sexual activity is depicted); an article titled “Android Sex Officially Better!”; posters depicting women in provocative poses barely covering their genitals. During the course of the game, there are several references to a drug called “Red Ice,” a fictional version of methamphetamines; one character can be seen smoking the drug from a pipe. The words “f**k” and “sh*t” appear in the dialogue. “

Now, naturally, this isn’t the only part of the game. Detroit: Become Human will show what happens when these androids start to realize they might be more human than the humans, and start to rise up. Your choices will help decide what path the story takes. Will you try and lead a peaceful revolution? Or, will you rise up against the humans and earn your freedom anyway possible?

No matter what choice you make, be prepared for what the game is going to show and off when the game releases on May 25th.

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