Final Fantasy VII Compilation Coming?

When it comes to the Final Fantasy franchise, there are a few titles that stand out above the rest. The one that most people associate with the franchise is none other than Final Fantasy VII. First, because this was the beginning of the 3D Final Fantasy titles. Second, it had a plethora of memorable characters and moments. And finally, it was just really fun to play. So much so that a full-on modern remake is in the works right now from the team at Square Enix.

However, for the games’ director, Tetsuya Nomura, he may be thinking even grander in scale. For this past weekend he was doing a Q&A session and he was asked about Final Fantasy VII Remake, and a fan noted: “I want to play Before Crisis: Final Fantasy 7 again!”

For those aren’t aware, that was an extension title that helped expand the store of the main game.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Nomura had this to say in reply:

“Right now I’m concentrating on Kingdom Hearts III, but when that’s finished, VII will be where I head next,” responded Nomura. “I’m thinking about ideas regarding the remake’s release—I even spoke to producer [Yoshinori] Kitase about it today. All of us old-timers are considering various developments in regards to what accompanies the remake. Like if we can manage to do something about the Compilation titles too. But for the time being, please wait for VII’s turn to come.”

So, is we were to take this “compilation” idea as everything done for Final Fantasy VII, then that would include Before Crisis, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, and then the film Advent Children (potentially anyway). That’s a lot of content.

But, what also needs to be remembered is that the Remake is still in the works, and it has been for years with little to show for it. So let’s try and have that game before worrying about the others.

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