Fortnite’s Daily Mobile Revenues Are Insane

It looks like the developers of Fortnite have hit a goldmine, and we do mean that literally. The game isn’t just pushing to be the most viewed video game on streaming platforms like YouTube and Twitch, its sales are also quite astounding, especially in the mobile department. As we all know, Fortnite is now playable on the iOS, which means that a lot more players have entered the Fortnite community, and more players means more money. Now that the invite-only period has ended, an even bigger wave of people has arrived and a lot more people have spent money on it, which is seen by their daily mobile revenues that tripled in profits.


SensorTower showed the game’s sudden rise in profits in their latest blog. When the invite-only restriction was lifted, the player expenditure increased by 197%, which is absolutely ridiculous, and their usual average earnings on regular days where $620,000, but now they were over $1.8 million, on just one day. This is absolutely insane, as this battle royal mode is exploding much more than anyone anticipated. But, that’s not all, as the worldwide mobile revenue for the game is now over $15 million over the span of 20 days when Fortnite started monetizing.


You can only imagine how much more money Fortnite is going to amass once it arrives on Android devices. The Battle Royal mode is really attracting a lot of attention, and it’s a shame that no one actually pays any mind to the game’s PvE mode, which is also quite fun in its own right.


1 Comment
  1. Ivo says

    The pve is better in my opinion

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