Gears of War 4 September Update Brings Regional and Matchmaking Changes

Despite it being nearly a year since it initially launched, Gears of War 4 is still being regularly updated by The Coalition. In regards to September’s upcoming update, there will be alterations made affecting the Chest Candy achievement, and more details on matchmaking.

In terms of regional matchmaking, The Coalition has announced that they will be “removing regional matchmaking means players will have more people to match with, resulting in higher quality matches.” By doing this, it will enable regions that are less populated to play with players from more populated parts of the world. This won’t be the best news for some players, who purposely play in lower populated servers in order to be placed with their boosting partners in the game, helping to gain achievements such as Chest Candy, which requires players to earn one of each launch ribbon.

In this next update, players will also be able to view what the ping is via the scoreboard. Accompanying the regional changes, the new matchmaking system being implemented will aim to place players in games where the latency is the strongest, therefore enhancing the best possible skill-based matchmaking by making matches with lower latency and overall higher quality matches for players to enjoy.

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