God Of War Voice Actress Talks Being Freya

An aspect of video games that is often underappreciated is voice acting. For while people can be enthralled by a story or thrilled by certain gameplay elements, it’s the voice acting that helps sell a lot of things for a lot of games. When voice acting is good, you notice, and when it’s bad, you REALLY notice. For the God of War franchise, they’ve always been good with their voice acting, but with the latest title, they took it to a whole new level. Even getting a new voice actor for Kratos so he could sound more seasoned.

And, of course, they had a great supporting cast, including numerous actors and actresses playing key members of Norse mythology. Which includes Danielle Bisutti as Freya. In a chat with Comicbook.com, she talked about how she resonated with Freya:

“I resonated with the material DEEPLY upon reading this emotionally complex and beautifully constructed monologue where Freya laments the sacrifices she made for her people, The Vanir Gods, by marrying Odin of the Aesir Gods to bring about peace amongst the realms, only to have her duplicitous husband ban her a prisoner of Midgard, take away her Valkyrie wings, convince their son Baldur to stay with him and finally being rejected by her people for what they perceived to be a betrayal of all they stood for. It felt much like Jon Snow going up against his Night’s Watch to convince them that befriending The Wildlings was the only way to ensure their safety against a greater danger. And we all know how that turned out.”

God of War

The ironic thing here though is that she didn’t know she was being cast for God of War. Only after her audition was she brought in for a table read of the script and found out she was going to be in the game.

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