Here’s the First 25 Minutes Of Far Cry 5

There is a fear when buying video games. Mainly, you want to know that you didn’t waste your money. You want to know that the game you just bought will bring you joy and make you happy that you got play it. Even with AAA titles, ones that come from established companies, there is that fear, and it’s justified. The next major AAA to be released is Far Cry 5, and though it’s been hyped for some time, you’d be justified in still being hesitant in regards to buying it.

But, there may be a way to allay your fears. For a video has released depicting the first 25 minutes of Far Cry 5. In it, you’ll get to see how your US Marshall character enters Hope County, and how he becomes a part of the war for its soul. You’ll see how you meet the locals, meet Father Joseph Seed and his “flock”, and certain other gameplay features that occur within that time. You can watch it all here.

Far Cry 5

Of course, if you don’t want your early experience spoiled, by all means, don’t watch. But if you do want a glimpse into what the game will be like, that’s the perfect avenue to do so.

It should be noted of course that this is only a small peak as to what the game is. Far Cry 5 is a title that Ubisoft took much time refining and detailing to make sure it was as crisp and fun an experience as possible. They painstakingly crafted the world of Hope County so that it would actually look like a place in Montana. They thought about how to alter and refine the gameplay so that it would be fun, engaging, yet full of choices on how to complete it. And, naturally, they wanted to make sure it looked good.

The wait is almost over, Far Cry 5 arrives on March 27th.

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