MapleStory 2 Finally Coming To The West

You can only imagine the excitement of MapleStory players when they found out that MapleStory 2 was finally coming to the west. The first game made a cult following once it was available to everyone, but the sequel wasn’t as popular in Asia as one would expect. Now it’s coming to the west, and it’s being handled by Nexon, which has quite a reputation for killing games with an unfair in-game cash system, but let’s hope that they don’t mess up MapleStory 2, which a lot of players can’t wait to finally play.

MapleStory 2

The announcement came with a video that has some questionable music in it, but you can just mute it and watch the gameplay of the sequel. The game will be in 3D, and it looks like a strange hybrid between a Korean MMO and Minecraft. This doesn’t mean that it looks bad or anything, as the graphics are actually really charming, but it may deter some players from trying the game. The announcement trailer promises your usual for games like this, character customization, awesome quests, and also the ability to build your very own home, which you can then customize as much as you want.

Just the fact that it’s the sequel to MapleStory means that MapleStory 2 is going to get a lot of attention, which means that as long as Nexon doesn’t screw something up with the microtransactions, we will be fine. If they do, well, we can always stick to the first game.


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