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PoE Drops Support For Windows Vista & XP This March

Grinding Gear Games, the developers of PoE, stated that since only 0.1% of their player base use Vista & XP, they're dropping support for these systems. Is anyone actually still using Windows XP or Windows Vista? XP was a good OS and all, but it's so outdated these days. Still, there are still people out there that use it. Some just…

Dragon Ball Z ARPG Is Coming This Year

We're getting a Dragon Ball Z action RPG this year it seems, and it will focus on Goku and his insane adventures and battles. Unfortunately, since only we got was an announcement trailer, not much gameplay was shown. Actually, to be…

GGG Disabled Loot Boxes For One Gambling Addict

Gambling addiction is no joke, that's why Grinding Gear Games disabled loot box purchases for one of their players. Like any addiction, the struggle of fighting your gambling urges is a difficult one. That's why one person decided to…

Lost Ark Launches Open Beta In South Korea

Lost Ark, one of the most anticipated ARPGs that's been in development for seven years, enters open beta in South Korea. There aren't many exceptional ARPGs on the market today. Sure, you have things like Diablo III, Path of Exile,…

Play Absolver for Free This Weekend

Action RPG Absolver has faced quite serious problems when it came out, but, apparently, the developers have recently been able to correct the mistakes, as the game's rating is slowly but steadily crawling up on Steam. Those who still…