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This Is How You Get Quests In Fallout 76

Now that we know that Fallout 76 is an online survival/builder shooter where the only humans that you can meet are other players, we were wondering, who is going to give us quests? World building and story progression in a Fallout game is usually done by quests, really interesting ones (at least when you consider Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas),…

Fallout 76 Will Get Mod Support After Launch

Bethesda surprised a lot of people when it revealed its game Fallout 76. What's more, this game is apparently the "first" of the Fallout titles timeline-wise, and it'll be a game that is primarily online play. While many are intrigued by…

You Will Be Able To Play Fallout 76 Alone

Okay so Fallout 76 is 4 times bigger than Fallout 4, but it is an online game, so what about the people that don't like playing with others? A lot of us were concerned when we found out that the latest installment in the Fallout franchise…

Fallout 76 Release Date Revealed

Honest question here, did anyone ever ask for an online Fallout game? As we all know, Fallout fans are people who like a solid post-apocalyptic RPG with interesting characters, a gripping story, and an engaging environment that is fun to…

Fallout 4: New Vegas Team Gives Update

The Fallout franchise has had a pretty big couple of weeks, as Fallout 76 was announced, which began a wave of speculation as to what people could expect. Some popular Fallout mods got a release date, and there's always potential for more…

Fallout 76 Release Date Leaked?

Can anyone keep a secret these days in the gaming industry? Leaks everywhere, developers doing their hardest to keep release dates a secret, and then you hear about the new Fallout 76 game and that it is going to be released on July 31st,…

Fallout 76 Teased By Bethesda

Bethesda made an odd move yesterday by going onto Twitch and putting their iconic "Please Stand By" screen up for all to see. This prompted a lot of speculation about what was going on. Clearly, it was a reference to Fallout, but in what…

Fallout 4: New Vegas Mod Coming

The world of Fallout is one of post-apocalyptic disaster, where you are one of the few remaining humans in the world and have to try and survive this "world" that is around you. The most recent entry into the game, Fallout 4, pushed the…