Toys R Us Coming Back From The Dead?

“I don’t want to grow up, I want to be a Toys R Us kid!” This slogan was the crux of many peoples childhoods during the last several decades. For the beloved store was a place where kids and adults could get toys and other things while feeling safe and happy and not be weighed down by the grand scale or scope that other stores have. Sadly, it wasn’t enough, and so it came to pass this year that the beloved chain store was shut down…or was it?

For you see, there was set to be an auction to sell off the name, brand, IP, and more of Toys R Us and Babies R Us. But then, suddenly, the people in charge of them all decided to fight back. They canceled the auction and filed with a court of law that they were going to try and bring the stores back. How they didn’t explain, but they are going to try.

Ironically enough, this is just the latest attempt to try and save the beloved toy store. When it was first announced that they would have to close, a lot of loyal customers tried to start petitions and raise money in order to get the store to stay open. While it didn’t work, it’s possible that the store saw all of this loved and believed they could use it to get back on their feet.

Don’t get me wrong, the road to rebirth will be anything but easy. They have to prove that they can both get back on their feet, and then stay there. What’s more, they have to try and avoid the pitfalls that apparently doomed them before. Amazon being one of them.

Yet, if Toys R Us can do it, if they can come back, there’s going to be a lot of kids and parents that will be happy.

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