WoW: New Cinematic Focuses On Varok Saurfang

Battle for Azeroth is almost here, and what’s a better way to hype up fans than to release an awesome cinematic. The title is “Old Soldier” and it shows the leader of Orgrimmar, Varok Saurfang as he watches as an Alliance army marches approaches their base.


WoW is an MMORPG that has been around for quite a while now. A lot of expansions have come, but Battle for Azeroth is stirring up the community quite a lot. See, the previous leader of the Horde, Garosh, was quite a mad guy. Sylvanas, well, Sylvanas committed a genocide. But, in war everything is fair, right?


See, Sylvanas burned the Night Elf World Tree Teldrassil, and a lot of innocent people died. Naturally, the Alliance wasn’t too happy about that, so they launched a counterattack. The vast army approaches a Horde stronghold while Saurfang watches in the cinematic. The most interesting and actually sad part in the cinematic is when Saurfang takes off the pendant that he took from his son’s cold dead body. It seems like he isn’t too fond of the Horde and its current state.


In the end, it seems like he’s about to charge into the Alliance army on his own, which is suicide. The warriors from the Horde usually have a lot of respect for their Warchief, but Sylvanas isn’t loved by many. A lot of them actually don’t believe that what she’s doing is right, but we will have to wait for WoW’s latest expansion to give us more info about this war and how it will end.


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