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Is WoW Getting A Level Squish In The Future?

A recent survey might suggest that Blizzard wants to reduce the max level in WoW with something called a Level Squish. A Reddit thread from a couple of days ago noticed that some WoW players got a survey. This particular survey asked the players if they were aware that the game is getting a Level Squish in the future? Are you aware that…

Mount Equipment Coming To WoW

Patch 8.2 patch, called Rise of Azshara, is bringing mount equipment to WoW which let you do all kinds of crazy things. It seems that players are most excited for this mount equipment because it allows you to do something which you…

WoW Finally Adds Two Allied Races To The Game

After a year or so of waiting, WoW players finally get two allied races, the Kul Tiran humans and the Zandalari trolls. Rejoice at the fact that two allied races that should have been available right after the launch of Battle for…

Another Mount Arrives To WoW

WoW players should be happy to know that another $25 mount has arrived to the game, and it's a flying pig. This new mount is called "Hogrus, Swine of Good Fortune" and yes, it is a flying pig. If this doesn't tell you that Blizzard…

Blizzard Releasing Four Books In 2019

If you're a really big fan of Blizzard and Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, and Diablo, we have some great news. Blizzard has released books like these before. They mostly showcase art and how it came to be, and we are also getting a…

WoW: Uldir Raid Is Now Open

Battle for Azeroth is here and so is Uldir, WoW's latest raid that is now available. So, if you're into raiding, you should start preparing for this eight-boss raid. Thanks to Blizzard Watch, we got the information on when Uldir went…

Blizzard Hotfixed The WoW WQ Exploit

Whenever there's a new expansion in WoW, there also a new kind of exploit. Recently a WQ exploit popped up which allowed players to gain a lot of resources for free. Blizzard has hotfixed this and is working on punishing those that abused…

WoW: War of Thorns Was Supposed To Be Drastic

The pre-expansion event that set the stage for Battle for Azeroth was quite shocking to the players. But, was that how it was supposed to be? It appears that everything went as planned, as Alex Afrasiabi, the creative director, explained in…

WoW: New Cinematic Focuses On Varok Saurfang

Battle for Azeroth is almost here, and what's a better way to hype up fans than to release an awesome cinematic. The title is "Old Soldier" and it shows the leader of Orgrimmar, Varok Saurfang as he watches as an Alliance army marches…

Final Battle for Azeroth Comic Released

The release of the Battle for Azeroth expansion draws near, and World of Warcraft players got the last comic before the release, and it is called "Three Sisters". Sylvanas, Vereesa, and Alleria Windrunner all meet up in the Ghostlands, and…