Cyberpunk 2077 has its fair share of issues as a game, but that didn’t stop it from making an insane amount of money for CDPR.

How Cyberpunk 2077 rode the hype wave perfectly
You can say what you want about Cyberpunk 2077 but there’s one thing for certain. It made CDPR an insane amount of cash before it even launched. You heard me, the pre-orders just by themselves have covered the costs of the game’s development and marketing. Isn’t that crazy? Not really, since every single person on this planet that had any interest in gaming was aware of this title.
Let’s talk about how much it cost to make this game. Considering their earlier earnings reports, Cyberpunk 2077 cost around 100-130 million to make. And it made all of that back + the marketing in just pre-orders. Do we all understand now how eagerly the gaming world anticipated this release?
— CD PROJEKT IR (@CDPROJEKTRED_IR) December 10, 2020
The biggest PC launch to date
8 million pre-orders. Over a million concurrent players when it launched. CDPR made a good foundation with the Witcher games. That, together with excellent marketing, ended up with Cyberpunk 2077 making an insane amount of money. It isn’t a perfect game, it actually has a lot of bugs and issues right now. But so did other CDPR titles at launch. It will all get patched and fixed eventually, but the initial impact wave when this came out is crazy. Everyone I knew, including myself, was itching to play this game as soon as it came out. And it shows.
This won’t go down as the best game in history. However, it is definitely one of the most anticipated releases of all time.

If you wish to try Cyberpunk 2077 for yourself and see if it lives up to the hype you can get yourself a GOG copy over on HRK Game that’s 30% off at the time of writing!