Have You Watched The Metro Exodus Story Trailer?

The Metro series is known for truly superb storytelling in its games, and it seems like Metro Exodus will continue that trend.

Metro Exodus

The world of the Metro games is a grim and dark place. It’s also full of insane and desperate people, mutants, giant rat-things, and other dangerous creatures. But, most of all, it has people that are doing everything they can to survive in an unforgiving world. That is always the highlight of these games, and it seems like Metro Exodus is going to deliver more of that. Mutants, communists, some kind of religious cult, The Reich. This game will have a lot of interesting characters in it.

Metro Exodus

What people love about these kinds of post-apocalyptic games is that they show the true monsters in these times. Sure you have all kinds of horrifying creatures roaming about, but the humans are the most dangerous thing out there. Treacherous, cunning, vile, and self-righteous. Artyom wanted to see life outside of the Metro in the first two games, but we doubt he’s going to like what he discovers during the travels in Metro Exodus.

We’re expecting brilliant storytelling from this game, and incredibly well-written characters and villains. The story trailer shows that we will most likely be getting just that.

Metro Exodus

The third installment of the Metro series is launching on February 15th. It will definitely be one of the best titles of 2019, we’re sure of it!

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