Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 Leaked?

Ah, leaks. In the gaming world they’re a source of both joy and sadness. For when they’re real, it’s good to know that the info was true (most of the time, some people don’t want to get things spoiled for them). But then, there are those that are leaked and turn out to be wrong in more ways than one. Well, a new leak has come via Reddit and Amazon, and it appears that Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 is coming.

So, how do we know this? Well, a Redditor found on Amazon a listing for a comic based in the world of Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. This official comic is set to, as the screenshot below shows, bridge the game between Garden Warfare 2 and apparently Garden Warfare 3.

Is this is a simple mistake? Was this a miscommunication? Well, it is possible, there’s no doubt of that, but, it wouldn’t surprise us if this is 100% true. Comics have been used to flesh out gaming storylines, and some have even served as prequels to the new titles, so why not here?

Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3

Now, granted, EA hasn’t unveiled this, confirmed this, or anything in-between. But, with this now circling the Internet, it could get revealed very soon, what’s more, given that the comic is releasing in September, EA might take the opportunity at say E3 to unveil Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3 and thus build more excitement for the comic (as the game will no doubt come after the comic releases.

Personally, we’re surprised that the game wasn’t announced much sooner, Plants vs Zombies is by and large one of the most successful and most-beloved franchises of recent memory. It started off as a simple 2D computer game, then became a 3D console title, and now a comic series. But hey, when it arrives, we’ll fully accept it.

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