Pokemon Let’s Go Officially Unveiled

Nintendo has been teasing some big things for their console the Switch in terms of Pokemon titles. But, during a stream on a Japanese TV show, and then via translated trailers later, they did unveil not one, not two, but three Pokemon titles that are coming to the Switch before the end of 2019. And one of them was confirmation of a leak that was given early last week: Pokemon Let’s Go. And it will be much of what the leak said, but also, so much more.

The games will indeed be a remake of sorts of the original Pokemon games. And there will be two versions of it, one with Pikachu as your partner, and one with Eevee. The world of Kanto will be brought into 3D for the first time, and via the Switch’s graphics, as you can see in the screenshot below, the visuals really pop out.

Now, this is where the twists come in. For while the moving around, and even the battling mechanics will be similar to the core Pokemon title, catching Pokemon will be very different. In fact, it’s basically how you catch Pokemon in Pokemon GO. You’ll face off against a Pokemon in a POV view, and then try to catch it via a motion swipe or button press.

And yes, Pokemon Let’s Go will work with Pokemon GO in many ways. For the team, that was part of the goal of the game:

“This game brings the intuitiveness of catching Pokemon that we saw in Go that millions of fans experienced, and we bring that into a core RPG Pokemon experience, obviously with updated graphics,” Elvin Gee, marketing manager of The Pokemon Company International

If you are wondering what happened to the “core” Pokemon title that was announced last year, it was talked about in the presentation. That game will be coming in late 2019.

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