Rocket League “Frosty Fest” Begins Tomorrow

Rocket League is one of the few titles out there today that doesn’t just listen to its fanbase, it gives back to them too in many different ways. The way it’ll do so tomorrow is by launching a very special winter event called Frosty Fest. This event will allow players to earn a new currency called “Snowflakes” (which is very similar to the Candy Corn currency from the Haunted Hallows event), and once you collected enough snowflakes, you’ll be able to purchase special winter items to deck out your car with.

As if that wasn’t enough, some of the levels you’ll be in will be getting a special makeover order to fit the theme of the winter event. Psyonix noted that there are three ways to get the crates with the winter items. One is snowflakes, one is random drops after an online match, and you do have the option to purchase them from the in-game store.

But, what fans might be the most excited for is the fact that Psyonix took the feedback given during the Halloween event and applied them here. Mainly in regards to the Decryptors that you can get to unlock crates. Fans wanted the opportunity to get more of them, so Psyonix is applying that to Frosty Fest.

There’s still more though, Psyonix teased on their site that there might be even more changes to this event than you might realize, but what exactly is unclear.

For Nintendo Switch owners of the game, this will be their first time in an event like this, so it’ll be a holiday treat for them for sure.

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