TERA: Happily Evil After Coming Soon

TERA does seem to have the most interesting names for their event. Players can look forward to Happily Evil After, which brings Pahoegar and Dakuryon for us to fight again and some new pets to obtain.


These kinds of MMORPGs always have some sort of pet version of a dark lord. It wasn’t enough that you had to face this immensely powerful demonic magnate, now there’s a pet in his image to remind you of him. Granted, the tiny Dakuryon looks exceptionally cute, and he is quite useful. There will be multiple versions of this pet in the game once the Happily Evil After update arrives. The Dakuryon pet has the ability to auto-loot and auto-gold-loot, so he’s as useful as he’s charming. The other versions of him can use various consumables which help out his master when he/she is low on health or mana.


But, the pet is not the focus of this brand new event. No, as TERA is popular because of its intense combat and crazy boss battles, there’s something more sinister in store. As you can guess, with the pet Dakuryon being in the game, the dark lord himself has also arrived. Players can look forward to entering the Shadow Sanguinary once again to battle the ferocious dark lord. It can be found on the Highwatch Outskirts as before, so gather four of your friends and prepare for an epic battle when Happily Evil After arrives on September 13th.

If you’re tired of the tedious combat of games like World of Warcraft, why don’t you give TERA a spin? The combat and impressive graphics are enough to give you a couple of months of enjoyment at least.


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