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Nintendo Switch

Breath Of The Wild Almost Had Very Different Gorons

When it comes to the species in a franchise like Legend of Zelda, you know what you are to expect more times than not. Dekus look like plant creatures that are human-ish in shape in some ways, the Gerudo are women (except for Ganon) that are very tanned because of their time in the desert, and the Zora are fish people. The Gorons are massive…

No More Heroes 3 Already Planned?

Suda 51 is without a doubt one of the most...unique developers out there in the world. His games are usually infinitely over-the-top. Yet, they also have deep stories, interesting gameplay, and characters that really bring out the worlds…

Reggie Talks Nintendo Switch 3rd Party Presence

There was a time when all the big games in the world went onto a Nintendo platform, or at the very least a vast majority. But over the last few generations, with the rise of Sony and Microsoft's platforms, that slowly stopped. But then,…

No Kid Icarus Uprising Port In the Future

One of the things that has defined the Nintendo Switch are the ports from other platforms that are arriving on the system. And it's not just Wii U games that are getting the treatment, there are ports coming from other systems, and even 3rd…