Some Overwatch Console Players Want More Communication From Blizzard

In this modern age of gaming, very few things are more important than the communication between the developer and the gamer themselves. After all, the gamer is what gives the developer information on what needs to be fixed, improved, adjusted, etc. And the developer is near obligated to reassure players that changes are coming, no matter how big or how small. Overwatch is currently one of the most popular games on the market, and it has a large fanbase on both console and PC. But for the console players, some feel they’re getting the shaft.

Not that they’re being discriminated against, not like that. Rather, some feel that the communication on the console front is being put behind the PC version of the game. Redditor TakaSol talked about why this was so frustrating:

“Im honestly tired of the console community being ignored when it comes to simple QoL changes and balance. These arent huge but i wish theyd talk to us more so we know were being listened to consistently”


For him, certain very small things that console players have been asking for a while seem to have fallen on deaf ears. In example, they’ve asked for Commands in the game like “attack the objective” and “come to me for healing”, things that would no doubt improve the flow of gameplay. Yet, despite the promise from game director Jeff Kaplan that these were coming, nothing has happened.

Then, there are balancing issues, on the console version (and to be honest, on PC as well), the character Ana has been very low tier in terms of usefulness. Yet, very few things have been done to fix the situation.

While you do have to sympathize, we do have to note that Blizzard has said that working on three very different versions of Overwatch (programming wise) takes a lot of time, and they don’t have the time to communicate with everyone on every little thing. However, we can hope that a little more vocal communication can come.


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