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Assassin’s Creed Origins Has Been Cracked

Since the dawn of time...ok, may not that long, but for a long time now, people have tried to break into the unbreakable. Whether it's buildings, safes, or the DRM surrounding video games, people want to prove that nothing is safe. Game…

Far Cry 5 On PC Has Denuvo Anti-Piracy DRM

Yesterday, Ubisoft revealed the official specs and requirements to play Far Cry 5 on PC. It's a detailed list, including specs for 4K machines should you have them, so definitely take a look at that. However, upon further inspection of the…

Ubisoft Reveals PC Specs For Far Cry 5

One of the biggest difference between console gaming and PC gaming is the specs of the units. For while a console can only improve in its software (which makes it easier to develop for in many ways), the PC is constantly evolving, and that…