Yearly Archives


Fortnite Earned $3 Billion Dollars In Profit In 2018?

About a year ago from right now, The Game Awards had a controversy going on, as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds was nominated for Game of the Year despite it not being fully released yet. Fast forward to now, and PUBG has fallen off the cliff so to speak, and it's "little brother" in Fortnite has not only stepped up to the plate, it's not the ball…

These Are The Top Selling Steam Games Of 2018

Each year Steam shows us which titles are the top-selling games, meaning which ones made the most amount of money. Only a couple of new games on this list, which is quite surprising. Keep in mind, these are the games that generated…

How The Epic Store Gets Its Exlusives

On our most recent Reddit hunt for spicy news, we found out how the Epic Store gets its exclusives, and what people think about the store. Everyone knows that the Epic Store is going to take less revenue from sales than Steam. That's…

Why Atlas Failed Right Away

Always be wary when a title comes out of nowhere and promises a lot of things like Atlas, as having an idea and turning it into reality isn't quite the same. So this title pops out of nowhere and people get really excited about it. A…

Tekken X Street Fighter Still Coming?

Gaming collaborations and crossovers are nothing new in the world of gaming, and in fact, they happen more often now than they ever have before. Fighting games are one genre that seem to excel when it comes to crossovers, as it's easy to…

GGG Disabled Loot Boxes For One Gambling Addict

Gambling addiction is no joke, that's why Grinding Gear Games disabled loot box purchases for one of their players. Like any addiction, the struggle of fighting your gambling urges is a difficult one. That's why one person decided to…

Rainbow Six Siege Offering Big Login Bonus

Who doesn't love free stuff? Well, for the team at Ubisoft, they're wanting to reward people who have Rainbow Six Siege, regardless of what "level of commitment" you are at currently. To that end, they're offering a special deal, and all…

Fortnite Map Has Turned To Snow

If you have been playing Fortnite over the last 24 hours, you'll have noticed something a little...odd. Mainly, just after playing a game on the regular island map, you'll have exited the game into the main menu, and the moment you return…