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CDPR Promises Cyberpunk 2077 Will Reach Its Full Potential

CDPR wants everyone to know that Cyberpunk 2077 will eventually reach its full potential and be the megahit it was supposed to be. Cyberpunk 2077 recently got a new game director. He's in charge of DLCs, expansions, and that sort of thing. Considering the game got some big patches, we can safely say the team is making progress. It isn't fast…

Cyberpunk 2077 Got a New Game Director

Cyberpunk 2077 got a new game director as the previous one focuses more on his role as CD Projekt RED's studio head. It's been a while since we've seen a big Cyberpunk 2077 patch. The team obviously has a lot to do. But I'm guessing…

Valheim Moving Towards 7 Million Copies Sold

Valheim isn't reaching milestones like before but its popularity is still going strong as the game moves toward 7 million copies sold. I was waiting to hear more about Valheim. This survival game came out of nowhere and started…

The Ascent Announces Its Release Date

Isometric ARPG shooter The Ascent finally reveals its release date and the price required to buy the game and enter its cyberpunk setting. The cyberpunk aesthetic is incredibly popular these days. Thanks to Cyberpunk 2077 and its…

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Is a Smash Hit

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is a smash hit as it breaks all the records set by the previous BioWare titles that launched on Steam. A legendary trilogy improved and compacted The Mass Effect trilogy holds a special place in the…

Yakuza Franchise Will Remain Turn-Based

Series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi and producer Kazuki Hosokawa said the Yakuza franchise will remain turn-based for the foreseeable future. The Yakuza franchise always focused on one type of combat. Third-person bloody brawling that's…

Witcher 3 Director Left CD Projekt RED

Witcher 3 director, Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, leaves CD Projekt RED due to workplace bullying and toxic behavior reports. The video game industry is toxic. That's a well-known and sad truth that isn't going away anytime soon.…