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Get A Free Rainbow Six Siege Skin

Security in games is important, and the developers of Rainbow Six Siege know that. That's why they're giving a free skin for turning on the two-factor authentication. Rainbow Six Siege is one of the best tactical shooters out there. Its player base is very devoted, as you won't find many shooters like this on the market right now. That's why…

Ubisoft Head Talks About The Future Of Gaming

What is the future of gaming? That is something that every video game developer, publisher, designer, and gamer wants to know in some form or another. For if you can see what's coming, you have a better chance of being on the right side of…

No New Assassin’s Creed Next Year

The Assassin's Creed was a beloved franchise when it first arrived. It had a unique look, special combat mechanics, a vast open world set in the past as well as the future, and gamers loved the feeling of a truly unique game. Ubisoft made…

Far Cry 5 Is Getting Zombies In Its Last DLC

Everyone knows that Ubisoft wants to recreate Blood Dragon in Far Cry 5. It isn't really going well for them, but this new DLC could be the dark comedy that they are looking for. Blood Dragon was certainly something special that a…

The Division 2 To Focus More On The Characters

When The Division was released, it brought a lot of things with it. It gave players a very accurate version of Manhattan to roam around and do things in. It gave plenty of options on what to do (which got expanded on in expansions), and it…

Ubisoft Feels That Sequels Are Changing

There was a time in gaming when sequels were simply just improvements upon the original title, or the title that came before it. Given the place in gaming that it happened in, evolution was vital to the title's success, as well as the…