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Black Mesa Arrives On Early Access As Xan Chapter Releases

After a lot of waiting Black Mesa got its Xen chapter and the game is out on Early Access for anyone that wants to try it. Black Mesa is the re-imagining of one of the most influential video games of all time, Half-Life. It's made by fans that wanted to remaster the Black Mesa Research Facility journey. Over 15 hours of single-player…

Grab Celeste For Free While You Still Can

Celeste, one of the most exceptionally created platformers is currently free for grabs, so pick it up while the offer still lasts! Want an extremely hard platformer with an incredible and moving story? Then you should head over to…

Netflix Witcher Reignited The Witcher 3 Playerbase

The Netflix Witcher TV series impressed fans of The Witcher 3 so much that they revisited this grand open-world RPG. Have you watched The Witcher on Netflix yet? It's quite a treat. Not the best show, as it does have many flaws, but…

Hellblade 2 Is Officially Confirmed For PC

Hellblade 2 has been officially confirmed for the PC platform for which it is being exclusively developed as well for the new Xbox. Our beloved female warrior Senua is making a return. This time she doesn't look like a wounded…

PUBG Corps Bans Over 100,000 Cheaters A Week

Seems like the PUBG Corps is still waging war against the cheaters that plague their battle royale game as over 100,000 players get banned each week. A community manager speaks to concerned players PUBG has a pretty significant…

The Wolf Among Us 2: Same Devs, New Engine

The Wolf Among Us 2 is being made by the people that worked on the first game, but they're using a new engine this time. AdHoc and its members As we all know, Telltale Games have gone through a rough patch over the last couple of…

Destiny 3 Isn’t Coming Anytime Soon

Seems like Bungie is going to work on Destiny 2 on the foreseeable future, and Destiny 3 isn't a game that we should be expected to see anytime soon. Destiny 2 is getting a lot of great DLCs and expansions. Bungie has been doing…