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Epic Games

Epic Games Feels Fortnite’s Success Helps Others

The video game industry is one that is very special in many ways. And one of the reasons for that is because the industry can have surprise hits out of nowhere, or have highly-anticipated AAA titles go bad and bankrupt developers. Yet, in the eyes of Epic games, there's another interesting trend that the industry has: successful games helping…

Epic Games Changes Thanos Again In Fortnite

So, last week Epic Games dropped a major bombshell when they revealed that Thanos, the legendary Marvel Comics villain, would be coming to their title Fortnite for a limited time mode. This was because the villain made his grand arrival in…

Fortnite Is Dominating Graduation Ceremonies

Graduations are meant to be symbols that prove that you have moved from one part of your life into another. From grade school to high school, and then high school to college, and sometimes from college to grad school. Each time, you're…

Fortnite Developers Apologize For Downtime

Can you imagine how many new players Fortnite gets every day? Probably twice the amount that we imagine, and all of those players want to play the game as much as possible, so downtime is an inconvenience for everyone. There were some…

Fortnite Could Go Over 100 Players One Day

Fortnite continues to excel in the video game market. It's monthly profit shares are already massive, and yet they're growing every month. Which can also be said about their player base. They're beating their rival, PlayerUnknown's…

Fortnite Has Released Patch v3.5

Epic Games has been doing a magnificent job in keeping their title Fortnite both accessible and fresh to gamers. After all, they keep updating the game with new weapons, new modes, bug fixes, new cosmetic items, and a whole lot more. And…