Yearly Archives


Far Cry 6 Team Announces A Minor Delay

Far Cry 6 devs have announced that their newest entry in the series has been hit with a delay, but a minor one. 2020 is a horrible year. The global pandemic is still raging on, devastating industries left and right. But, in times…

Microsoft Hasn’t Actually Bought Bethesda Yet

There's a very good reason why Microsoft hasn't talked about the acquisition of ZeniMax and Bethesda despite it being a big deal in the industry. Microsoft paid $7.5 billion to own ZeniMax and Bethesda. It's the largest acquisition…

Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed To December

Cyberpunk 2077 is getting hit with another unexpected delay and now the game's release date has been moved to December. "The game is finished, we need more time to polish everything, we're releasing on 5 million different platforms".…

Sekiro Players Are Getting GOTY Update For Free

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is getting a free GOTY update in a couple of days that's bringing new boss challenge modes, player recordings, and unlockable skins to everyone. From Software knows how to treat their fans. Since most people…

King Arthur – Knight’s Tale Announced

The team that made the Van Helsing and Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor now announce King Arthur - Knight's Tale, a dark turn-based RPG with rogue-lite elements. ARPG veteran devs present another grim tale Neocore Games made some pretty…