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LoL Will Shake Up Its Meta With Mythic Items

The upcoming LoL season is coming and Riot intends to focus on improving items and adding Mythic ones that will shake up the meta. Let's talk about these new items and how I think they'll affect the game. Riot has a plan. Rework some items, alter others, and add some brand new ones. The new ones we're getting are called Mythic items.…

LoL Finally Fixing Its Horrible Client

After 10 long years, Riot Games finally decided that it's prime time to fix LoL and its buggy game client. What's the worst thing in LoL beside the awfully toxic playerbase? The God awful client that crashes every second game. That's…

Are You Ready For League of Legends Season 10?

New images started appearing on Riot's Twitter page signaling the imminent arrival of League of Legends and its Season 10. The calm before Season 10 Riot is hyping us for the new Season. That's right, if you're tired of people acting…

Dota 2 Just Got Its Huge Outlanders Update

Dota 2 got its Outlanders Update which brings two new heroes, a redesigned map, changed items, heroes, and a bunch of new features! The Outlanders update presents: Void Spirit and Snapfire Valve's MOBA, Dota 2, has been going through…

Full Cross-Play Coming To SMITE

PC, Xbox One, and Switch players will all be able to play SMITE together when the 6.1 update arrives. It's good to see more and more developers opening up to the idea of cross-play. Last time we talked about Rocket League and how it…

New LoL Champion Is A Humanoid Chameleon

Well, if you wanted a champion that could look like other LoL champions in-game, Neeko will be the perfect choice for you. We adore champions in LoL that can cause a lot of chaos. That's why we are already loving Neeko, the Curious…

Game Director Of HotS Resigns

Alan Dabiri, the now former game director of HotS, has resigned from his position and is now working on a new project. Heroes of the Storm is one of the best MOBAs out there. If you haven't tried it, trust us, it is a true…

Battlerite Royale Got An Early Access Trailer

For those of you that don't know, Battlerite Royale is a battle royale spin-off of Battlerite, a game that truly represented the MOBA genre and what it's supposed to be. If you don't like shooter battle royales like the recent Black…