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The Long Wait For Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is making its way to PC despite the fact that, sadly, the first game stayed a console exclusive after all this time. Red Dead Redemption came out in 2010. Quite a long time ago, and it never appeared on the PC. Now, 9 years later, we are getting the sequel. That's right, after only one year of waiting we're getting this…

Riot Games Want To Avoid A Political Scandal

After the Blizzard incident regarding the Hearthstone pro player that said he supported the Hong Kong's pro-autonomy protests, Riot Games made a statement. They are urging all League of Legends players to refrain from talking about…

Is WoW Getting A Level Squish In The Future?

A recent survey might suggest that Blizzard wants to reduce the max level in WoW with something called a Level Squish. A Reddit thread from a couple of days ago noticed that some WoW players got a survey. This particular survey asked…

Starbound Gets Bounty Hunters In New Update

Starbound, a sandbox survival game set in space, finally got the 1.4 update that introduces the Bounty Hunters faction. The Bounty Hunter update arrived a few days ago and it comes with a lot of content. It lets players join the…

Shenmue 3: Fan Outrage Has Been Noticed

Shenmue 3 fans can at least be satisfied with the fact that Ys Net and Deep Silver have noticed the fan outrage due to the exclusivity deal. It's pretty standard these days for developers to switch up on their fans. They let you…

EA And Their Battle Against Bullying In Games

EA presented its Building Healthy Communities Summit during the EA Play event as a way of combating toxicity and bullying in games. While bullying in games and toxic behavior have existed for a long time, EA decided that it is time…

Enter the Gungeon Is Free For The Taking

Enter the Gungeon, one of the most insane bullet-hell shooters ever released is now free for the taking on the Epic Store. If you thought Borderlands 3 has crazy guns, then you obviously don't know about Enter the Gungeon. An…

Modern Warfare Has Spec Ops Co-op Missions

Since zombies won't be a part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, we're getting Spec Ops co-op missions once again! The E3 Coliseum hosted the Modern Warfare panel where we got to hear more about the campaign and the co-op mode of the…

Dr Disrespect Loses His E3 Access Badge

One of the most eccentric and entertaining streamers, Dr Disrespect lost his E3 access badge and his Twitch account. Dr Disrespect is a living legend that is almost unbeatable in battle royale games. Be it PUBG, Fortnite, Apex…

Fallen Order Has Selective Dismemberment

Seems like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is going to have selective dismemberment thanks to Disney and their kid-friendly ratings. Lightsabers are iconic weapons in the Star Wars universe. They can through anything but other…