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PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds

Custom Servers In PUBG Won’t Be Free

The developer of PUBG talked about the option of custom servers in the future and how we will most probably need to pay for them. Well, now we have an official confirmation, when custom servers come sometime in the future, they won't be…

PUBG Update #17.1 Live On Test Servers

PUBG is hanging on in the battle royal race, but its still only second place. Nonetheless, the developers are working hard on fixing as much as they can in the game. Constant patches are slowly fixing up the game, and the developers also…

PUBG Got A New PGI Theme In Update 17

PUBG, are you hanging in there? The shooter that started the whole battle royal wave then quickly fell off when Fortnite got introduced is still hanging in there, and Update #17 is now live, and it brought a lot of things. A lot of fixes,…

PUBG’s Event Pass Gets Slightly Modified

We talked about PUBG's Event Pass system that rewarded players with awesome items just for playing as soon as it was announced. When it came out, it seems like it wasn't as optimized as one would hope, and so the developers modified it…

Are You Enjoying The New PUBG Map?

What do you think, will PUBG start to recover its active player base now that the new map is here? Maybe, maybe not, but the truth is that the Sanhok map is really fun, and a lot more action-packed than the rest, and the matches end…

What Is PUBG’s Event Pass?

Developers today have to make sure that their game is as profitable as possible. Obviously, you can pay for everything, but you know, it's all cosmetic, so it isn't a problem as it is not a pay2win model. What are we talking about? Well, we…

PUBG: Sanhok Map Testing Was Extended Again

It seems that the testing for the Sanhok map is going to be extended forever from the looks of it. PUBG players should already be used to extended testing, and it seems like the developers found some really strange performance problems in…

PUBG’s Molotovs Are Getting A Buff

When was the last time you saw a Molotov in PUBG? Since we started playing the game, we never actually had an experience where someone threw one at us. We didn't use it either, and it just seems like it isn't really an effective weapon,…